About Me

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I love to learn! I feel like there needs to be more hours to everyday! It's weird, I like to learn, but I don't like to read. I guess I don't have patience for slow, just tell me about the book real fast. I can do a lot of things, or at least I try. I am not an expert at anything. I think the most important thing in the world is my son! My family will always be #1 to everything else except God. There is so much more that I could right here, but I am ready to move on...write more later...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Anthony Pope

Pretty Pics

Why Not?

I am really thinking about starting something of my own...but what? I feel like if I were super passionate about something, then I could do it. But the problem is, the lack of knowing what it is that I could be passionate about. I look at Richard Branson and how he started his own little company at age 16 with a student magazine. And look at him now. What am I waiting for? Get on with life already!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Live Life, Love, Learn and Laugh...Please Laugh!

Wow, the title says so much that I don't even know where to start. I guess, you love no matter what. Love yourself, your life, your family, friends and/or whatever good and positive thing you have going on. Life is not always what we expect as we all find out...although harshly sometimes. The good thing is, that through the hard times, we do learn. And sometimes we can even look back and laugh. But life can be so hard and cold and heartbreaking and at times hard to understand. I think it really is true that you have to get whatever happiness that you can out of each day but always keeping a little bit of tomorrow and your future in site in order to plan ahead. You can't just live for today or tomorrow, but for a little bit of both! I think I just invented a "Melanie quote" Nice!

"You can't just live for today or tomorrow, but for a little bit of both!" ~Melanie Mayberry Wilson

That's all for now, coming up with a super great quote has made me tired. I think I will rest now. Good day!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sometimes the Heart has to Hurt

Today was an interesting day full of stress and realizations. I had my own personal drama this morning and I didn't get the outcome that I had expected. And I didn't behave the way that I had intended. The lesson I take away from that is, "You win some, you lose some" and that's okay. It's not the end of the world. And I was surprised at my own behavior in the situation, but I guess that we can't always control ourselves the way we plan in high emotional settings. Especially when you cannot control the unknown circumstances that you face. Going into battle being fully prepared and having a big gun, but not knowing if their gun is bigger. So, you do your best and move on. Can't dwell in that place.

Also, I found out that a friend of mine could be facing something pretty serious dealing with his health. This comes at a shock to me, but oddly enough, it crossed my mind a few days ago that what if something happened to this person, how would it change my life. And sometimes I feel that God drops those little things in my spirit, almost as preparation for what's to come. I don't always pick up on it at the time, but am trying to be more sensitive to those little still voices that I hear sometimes. My way of dealing with this day is to realize that God is bigger than all of these issues and that I trust him above and beyond all. He is our creator. I trust him and his will. More than I trust my own. And although I may not live a perfect life, I do pray that God will order my steps for I know that he knows better than I do. I want to go in the direction that he has planned for my life. I know that when things look bad for me today, it could be that I don't understand how it all comes together in the end....but I know that God can see the big picture. I am writing freely tonight from my heart and I don't even think anyone reads this. But it helps to clear my head and write down my thoughts...idk....if someone does read this, maybe you can relate. I thank God for the things in my life that I do have and that it's not worse. That I am blessed even when it feels like things arent going my way. Things may seem bad sometimes, but God hasn't left me and he is able to do all things. Greater is HE that's in me than HE that's in the world. God give me strength and peace. Help me to take care of what you trust to me with. Good night for now.

Monday, January 31, 2011


The only thing that you can count on to stay the same is the fact that everything changes! I am looking for a new creative adventure.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Wow, life has kept me busy lately. Between Dental Hygiene work, Real Estate and my two year old, I don't have a lot of time to write. I am excited about my life and what the future holds. Sometimes it seems that life is hard, but I always seem to come out with the upper hand. I have some pretty major changes coming my way, but I am good with it...happy actually. Ready to get on with things and have fun. I am going to put more time into learning how to play the guitar. I really love music. Went to the Winter Jam Concert in Charlotte NC last night. It was awesome. I would love to be able to travel and do something like that for a little while. I know that the seed start in your heart, so I plan on watering that baby to see where it takes me. I don't care who else thinks I can do it, I am my own cheerleader. I don't even bother to share a lot of things with people because I find that people tend to discourage you. If you just go after your dreams, whether you accomplish them or not, at least you know. And you have no doubts or regrets in the future. I know that God is my friend and supplier. I want fill my life with people who are positive, who love God and who want to live right. Tired of trying to drag people along and help them be Christians, No more, I will witness to you and do whatever I feel that God wants me to do, but I am not going to beg you to do the right thing. That is exhausting people. I must say for those who are ministers: preachers, teachers, musicians etc...you are appreciated. Thank you! Last night at the WJ Concert, hundreds of people got saved because of those people who are willing travel and spread the Word of Jesus. How wonderful. I thought to myself how cool it was to see all of the people who turned out for the Christian concert. I thought, I wonder if this band will play like this in Heaven. I wonder if all the bands and people that can sing will takes turns singing in Heaven. Hope so. Anyway, enough of my crazy rambling. Cohen is napping but won't be for long. Got to get some other things done before he wakes. One last thing, I want to give a quick shot out to some of my GREATEST friends, You know who you are...and if you're wondering...then it's not you. LOL! Have a good one. Peace out!

PS- It's snowing like 6 inches in NC. I don't know the last time we had this type of snow. I LOVE snow. I am going to make a SNOWMAN...I might make a whole SNOW FAMILY.